Are you ready to take the next step in your walk with Jesus? 


Know Jesus: in weekly worship and teaching

Each week, on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights we have one goal: to exalt Jesus and point people to Him. Our greatest need is to know God, and through worship and teaching our aim is to know Him and His gospel.


Grow in A Group: in weekly small group Bible study, short-term studies, and other groups

Growth happens in groups centered on the word of God. That’s why small group Bible study exists. We have them for every age and life-stage on Sunday mornings at 9:20am. We also have groups that meet on Sunday nights in the Spring and Fall for 4 to 6 weeks at a time. You can also find men’s and women’s groups that meet throughout the year.


Become a Member: because membership matters.

Disciples of Jesus grow where they are firmly planted in Christ and in committed community with other followers of Jesus.

How Do I Become a Member of Lyons Creek? (4 Steps of Membership)

  1. Trust Christ For Salvation//Share Your Salvation Experience
  2. Be Baptized by Immersion
  3. Request Membership by Speaking with a Pastor or Deacon  
  4. Respond by coming forward at the end of the worship service to be presented before the Church body. 

Starting Point: If you have more questions about Lyons Creek or want to know what we are all about before you join we encourage you to attend our 4 week Starting Point class.  We will meet as needed throughout the year during the 9:20am Bible Study Hour in Room 106. Sign up to attend our next Starting Point class in the Connector. 



Engage in Service: in different ministries within the church

As members in the body of Christ we have an obligation to serve and love one another. We cannot fulfill Christ’s mission to make disciples without everyone being all in. You have gifts that are needed and we want to help you find them and use them.


Be On Mission: through local and global outreach, mercy and justice ministry, and evangelism


Until Christ comes back, the church is to be a people on mission.

We believe that God strategically positions His church for the glory of His Name in certain communities. We are not in Strawberry Plains, in East Knoxville, by chance. God has put us here for the glory of His Name and the good of our community. At Lyons Creek we desire that every disciple be on mission through local and global outreach and evangelism.

Come to The Connector and let us help you find a place to get plugged in through connect groups, mission opportunities, or serving our church.

Have questions about your next step? Interested in taking one of these as your next step? Click here to connect with one of our pastors.